Gerontological Counselor, Certified Dementia Practitioner, Associate Professor
International Speaker on Dementia

Aging is a time in life to embrace. I have always been drawn to older adults. I find a sense of comfort in giving them a hug or holding their hand. If I am with an older adult I may take a moment to look at their hands, because they speak volumes about lives filled with detailed richness. All of my grandparents have passed on. I wish I had more time with them. I was blessed to be pen pals with my Great-grandmother Grace for over 20 years. I still have her address engrained in my memory from all those years of writing letters.
My passion in life is helping adults enjoy the journey throughout the aging process. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), and I consider myself to be a Gerontological Counselor. I specialize in working with adults facing aging issues, such as the aging process, relationships, role changes, retirement, loss, caregiving, emotions- depression, anxiety, grief, individuals searching for who they are in these new stages in their lives, and those individuals and families impacted by Alzheimer's disease.
I received my PhD in Counseling Education & Supervision at Mercer University in March 2019. My research focus was the lived experiences of individuals in the early-stage of Alzheimer's disease. I obtained a Graduate Certificate in Gerontology from Georgia State University. I received my master's degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Mercer University in 2013.
Early in my master's program I attended a presentation on the brain. I believe it was 2010, and this was the first time I heard the words "Alzheimer's disease". The presenter explained how the disease impacts the brain. From that moment, I have been fascinated by this disease. I spent time doing my own research on the disease, and I started volunteering with the Alzheimer's Association. In my heart I knew I wanted to work at the Association and help this population. A big blessing came in the spring of 2015. I called and asked if they needed any volunteers to work on their helpline. At the time, a volunteer was not needed for this position. However, the next day I received an email that they had a position open for a Care Consultant, an individual who counsels individuals and families with the disease. From August 2015 until December 2017 I worked at the Georgia Chapter of the Alzheimer's Association as a Care Consultant and Education Specialist. As an Education Specialist I traveled all around Georgia educating the community about Alzheimer's disease. I will be forever grateful for the time spent at the Association.
Another passion of mine is teaching and making presentations. I am an Adjunct Instructor at Mercer University and at the Gerontology Institute at Georgia State University. I really enjoy exploring with students, who are often in their early 20's, their own beliefs, fears, and thoughts in regards to aging. Students share with me that because of the discussions we have on aging, they will have conversations with their families for the first time about aging related topics. I especially love when the topic of power of attorney is discussed in class. They will share with me that after the discussion in class they asked their parents if they have a healthcare or financial power of attorney.
For several years, I wanted to have a radio show called Caring for Aging Parents. This dream came true from January 2016-June 2016 when I hosted my radio show on Business Radio X. I invited several professionals in the aging field to discuss various topics, such as caregiving, elder law and abuse, aging in place, and mental health and substance abuse of older adults.
One evening in the Fall of 2016, I was walking through downtown Atlanta on my way to teach a Psychology of Aging class at Georgia State. For a moment, I knew in my heart and soul that this is what I am meant to be doing...this is the work I have called to do. My quest in life are the words of Erma Bombeck, "When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me'."